Article on Petition launched to save Hamilton’s historic Century Manor

Click on the link below:

At the end of the article there is a highlighted blue click here to take you to the petition.

or you can go directly to the petition site by clicking on the link below:

Interesting Stabilization work being done on the London Insane Asylum by a Cambridge-based company with a track record for helping preserve and enhance heritage buildings.

Here is the website:

You will have to scroll down and click on More Projects and then scroll down until you get to London Infirmary Building Stabilization and then on the right you will see a photo of the main building and below it on the left you can see Click to View Gallery. This will give you a slide show of the work done on the buildings.

As of January 2019, the lands and the buildings have been sold to Old Oak Properties

Here is the link to the news story with a picture of the main building.

What Should We Do With Abandoned ‘Insane Asylums? interesting article advocating adaptive reuse of old asylums with link to organization working to preserve old Kirkbride ayslums

Here is the link to the article What Should We Do With Abandoned ‘Insane Asylums?


Here is the website of the organization (Preservations Works) advocating adaptive reuse of old asylums: